That Was The Worst Expiry Shenanigans Ever! So I will willingly confess to a) being at best a variable trader…
394W/e 13Dec Person of the Year Tanks Wall Street!
That Was The Week Cracks Appeared Everywhere? We are seeing more upheavals globally in the political realm than we have…
393 W/e 06Dec Flat Footsie (FTSE100) Again
That Was The Week The US Made 50 Record Highs I was trading(badly as always) back in the last century…
392W/E29Nov FTSE Steadies, 2025 Growth May Be Weak
That Was The Week Turkeys Met a Fiery Fate Thanksgiving week tends to be a bit of a nothing…
391 W/e 22Nov Glidepath Disrupted, FTSE Bounces
That Was The Week FTSE Didn’t Get The Memo (Everything’s Terrible!) As the saying goes, there’s no bull market without…
390 W/e 15Nov FTSE Expiry, Quiet Week.
That Was The Week Crazy Got Dialled Down, For Now So, with the shock of the US election now diminished…