From Terrapin Trader
345 W/e 01DecChristmas is Coming
Monday opened with a plummet, and being directional -ie long calls is really for me the worst possible position. It’s purely personal Larry Macmillan says the opposite
2023/12/04 at 10:44 am
From Terrapin Trader
331 W/e25 Aug Erratum, Trade328 missed
Clearly off my game this week for no good reason. I apologise for missing trade 328.
2023/08/27 at 7:12 am
From Terrapin Trader
322 W/e23Jun2023 FTSE Drops, Vix Flops
Stop Press: I’m told that prices are in fact live. This would chime with the fact that I logged in at 08:00 few weeks back and saw bid-ask prices. However I had been having comms with ICE and told them this was just pointless at best at worst, disingenuous. Maybe this had some effect. I stand corrected.
2023/06/24 at 2:49 pm
From Terrapin Trader
320 w/e 09jun VIX Drops Yet Again
320 now 213.5 from our original 224 and we would not want PIN risk with this week’s Loony tunes action. It’s made10.5.
2023/06/15 at 10:57 pm
From Terrapin Trader
320 w/e 09jun VIX Drops Yet Again
Quick up date: All 4 trades in healthy profit.
317- 37 profit
318- 24 ”
319- 23.5,or 24 depending on puts or calls
320 9- but remember our max profit is only 24.
We run to expiry of course.
2023/06/14 at 8:20 am
From Terrapin Trader
317W/e 19May, Flat FTSE, Options Expiry
Yikes! The Jade Lizard looking ugly. Do we let it run, or adjust?
We could buy the 7650/7550 put spread for 35, giving us a little leeway on the downside, and remember we took in premiums amounting to 51.
We are still a fair way off the 7550 level so no cause for panic.
another adjustment might be to look at the upside risk, the7800/7850 call spread, now worth about 8. Buy that back and sell a 7750 call for 40. We now have 51+32 in premiums taken in, and a risky strangle. We know volatility is mean reverting but when it will revert is another matter!
2023/05/24 at 12:04 pm
From Terrapin Trader
315 W/e05May A Coronation, A Calendar Spread, and Some Wins
The cost of trade 315 = 60.5 minus 14×3=18.5. I had hoped the graphic was clear enough to see prices and wanted to bring people’s attention to the calculation, in order to understand how strategies like this work. Being biased with deltas is ok if you intend to be directional, but it’s always worth keeping an eye out so you are not horribly skewed one way or another.
2023/05/08 at 9:49 am
From Terrapin Trader
312 W/e 14AprVol Drain FTSE Meltup no.2
Apologies for the late edit.Trade 211 was a back spread.
2023/04/15 at 3:48 pm
From Terrapin Trader
308 W/e 17Mar Bloodbath at the Bank
The utter temerity of the banksters -now ramping up the markets like it’s free money time again.
Trade 308- one option was to close out and take quick 34-38 points.
2023/03/21 at 2:01 pm
From Terrapin Trader
306W/e03March Long Calls? Short Puts?
even closing last night …..221.5 and 65 for the call ratio.
2023/03/10 at 7:54 am
From Terrapin Trader
306W/e03March Long Calls? Short Puts?
Aaaaaah Dammit. Last night I was reviewing the day’s action and thought it was time to close out, but at the screen late! – the 8100 put was 178 and the call ratio was 65, cost 113 and a clean slate for a drop.
2023/03/09 at 8:27 am
From Terrapin Trader
296 W/e 09Dec Santa's FTSE Swoon?
Trade 296- sorry there are typo’s- a bit off my game lately. The debit is 18 but currently it would be 12. Much to be concerned about as the FED announcement tomorrow as per usual is going to be amarket mover, though of course it’s an excuse. A piffling 0.25% doesn’t affect the$ trillions in Wall Street. Wait until rates get over 6%
2022/12/13 at 10:23 am
From Terrapin Trader
296 W/e 09Dec Santa's FTSE Swoon?
Trade 295 -making 31 this morning -why do options surprise to the good so often?
2022/12/13 at 10:20 am
From Harry
284 W/e16Sep Winning with Options
Hi, do you have annual performance figures?
2022/09/18 at 1:46 pm
From Terrapin Trader
284 W/e16Sep Winning with Options
Thanks for commenting, Harry. The ethos of the site is to demonstrate that with no particulkar skills but some study and testing, that you can make substantial gains. We do not look at our annual performance, we are purely ‘warts and all’ educational.
I’d rather comment on the losers and show adjustments, but we rarely have any.(Not a boast, just seems to go that way)
Some of the wins are substantial and based on return of capital employed you will often see a return of 20%.
Options are not thrilling, it is a slow burn, sometimes only for one day, but trades can take up to 45 days. Happy to comment on any trades you may have difficulty with.
Welcome to the site, and if you really want an idea of annual performance, conservatively we do 2-10% per month.
2022/09/18 at 2:26 pm
From Terrapin Trader
282 w/e02Sept Going Straddle Crazy
So, we paid 2.5 for the crazy straddle and it made the best price of 27, while the FTSE then limped back upstairs and the vol drifted sideways not giving us the front month skew we need to make 100+ which this thing does, when it works. Not happy to persist and at close it is now back around 4. Hand on heart we’d have closed this out this morning around 10.30 when it looked like the selling was over.
2022/09/05 at 6:39 pm
From Terrapin Trader
281 W/e 26Aug Jackson Hole, S&P Plunges
Never underestimate the power of words. Powell says X, market goes Y
2022/08/27 at 11:10 am
From contactamipro
281 W/e 26Aug Jackson Hole, S&P Plunges
Crazy end to the month after all the euphoria, it all comes down!
2022/08/27 at 10:35 am
From Terrapin Trader
262 W/e 08AprOptions Expiry Looms
262- when you try to break something it somehow defies the odds and just works. So that trade would now be worth about 124 to close out -in one day. 56 profit, but it can’t really be run to expiry…..or can it?
2022/04/11 at 8:59 pm
From Terrapin Trader
258 W/e11Mar Calendar Spread time
258 MASSIVE winner! 96
257?…… 222.5+18.5 = 241 -that is the cost to close- CREDIT was aggregate 434. 193 MASSIVE WIN!
What does it take to help peopl understand that options work ?
2022/03/18 at 8:44 am
From Terrapin Trader
256 W/e 25Feb Options in Unhappy Times
sidelines proved to be best as this would have beeen closed out for 444 on Tuesday but more likely an ugly loss of 200 today- Friday with the FTSE at 7168
2022/03/04 at 12:26 pm
From Terrapin Trader
254W/e11 Feb Options in a Conflict?
This morning Trade 254- long 5x Feb 7500 puts short 1x Mar 7500 put did this:
5 x84, 1×195. While the Mar Put doubled our Feb puts quadrupled.
Profit 225, minus the cost, 3. Gives us 222. That’s £2,222 for one round turn of this puppy.
2022/02/14 at 6:22 pm
From Thie Week’s Musings on CFD – at May 30, 2021 at 12:49PM – Dave's Finance Ramblings
221 W/e 28May A Strangler's Dream
From Terrapin Trader
221 W/e 28May A Strangler's Dream
We trade options as CFDs are really not helpful- a brutal palying field where > 80% get blown up -good luck
2021/05/30 at 1:11 pm
From Terrapin Trader
219 W/E 07May Chinese Rocket Week
Well to quote, the market can “EAT MY SHORTS”
Our combo- now a credit 79-6= 73 WIN, close out take a break.
2021/05/11 at 9:35 am
From BEK
219 W/E 07May Chinese Rocket Week
Duplication from earlier reply. did not check the boxes before ( I believe).
Let me know what your objective is with the blog and what kind of reactions you are looking for.
I checked the “strategies tab, but did not get a clear impression about the types of (option) trades you favor.
2021/05/09 at 5:16 pm
From Terrapin Trader
219 W/E 07May Chinese Rocket Week
OK This is solely about trading the UK index FTSE100 monthly options which are European style. EAch week I show a different trade. The point is you can win so many ways with options .
2021/05/11 at 9:42 am
From Terrapin Trader
218 W/e 30Apr Ratio, Puts in May
132.5- 109 our ratio spread(Trade 218) has absurdly dropped in value from 40 to 23.5. That is our reward- we take 16.5 credit from this. There has to have been a huge drop in vol, the FTSE is up about 50, yet the US is down currently.
However this is an extraordinary result- we’d take profits here, and run for fun.
Happy Star Wars day.
2021/05/04 at 9:09 am
From Terrapin Trader
216 W/e 16Apr Options Expiry. Straddle, Losses and Reactive Trading
In retrospect doing nothing would have given us at least a 30% profit but we have locked in a solid 16% with little risk and possibility of bigger rewards.
What would you do? The straddle was ‘cheap’ and theta was not not brutal in the first day.
2021/04/22 at 11:16 am
From Terrapin Trader
216 W/e 16Apr Options Expiry. Straddle, Losses and Reactive Trading
So as of last night here’s the maths: our initial debit 195, with the legging in we have a zero cost (tiny credit ) trade. What if we closed out?
7050 straddle now 61+135= 196
our call position 61 minus 28 +18.5 = 14.5 credit(7050 long, short at 7150, 7200)
our put position 7050/6950/6850 butterfly: 135+57.5, minus 88×2=176. Credit of 16.5
We made 30 on our initial debit of 195 with almost no risk and a lame market.
2021/04/20 at 8:13 am
From Terrapin Trader
216 W/e 16Apr Options Expiry. Straddle, Losses and Reactive Trading
So- as promised we leg in by selling 2x 7150 calls at 36 =72
we buy 1×6850 put at 48= 48
we sell 2×6950 puts at 91=182(market has dropped but only 40 points)
We now have a put butterfly and a call ratio spread,
and a small credit of 206-195= 11.
We use that to roll up our short 7150 call to 7200. Now our risk is out further to 7300.
2021/04/19 at 3:25 pm
From Joe
207 W/e12Feb Economy Crushed, FTSE Up
Good presentation!
2021/02/15 at 7:43 am
From Terrapin Trader
207 W/e12Feb Economy Crushed, FTSE Up
2021/02/15 at 8:17 am
From Terrapin Trader
204 W/e22Jan-Biden's Options
I was hoping for some feedback- those Deltas in Trade 204
6800 call long + 32
5700call short -45
5700put short +58
5600 put long -43
Actual Deltas +02 as you’d expect from any kind of butterfly
2021/01/24 at 8:47 am
From Terrapin Trader
200 W/e 18 Dec Strangles, Ratios, Butterflies
As captured this morning -prices for Trade 200 but seriously, this may not go well as they are highly variable and unknown.
Strike 6150 355 for the call and 59.5 (x3) for the put
Strike 6200 314 and 69(x3)
The above for January expiry – the calcs to be shown in due course
2020/12/21 at 10:31 am
From Terrapin Trader
192 W/E 09Oct Butterfly Strangle Options Trade
Apologies- late with the weekend strangler: 6200 call 63.5 5700 put 64. Nov expiries
2020/10/12 at 9:29 am
From Michael
192 W/E 09Oct Butterfly Strangle Options Trade
Where do you get your ftse 100 options quotes from?, the quotes are hard to find, I would like to start trying out some strategies that I sue for SPX.
2020/10/30 at 5:46 pm
From Terrapin Trader
192 W/E 09Oct Butterfly Strangle Options Trade
From Terrapin Trader
191 W/E 02 Oct Revisiting The Jade Lizard
189 41+ 22 for the original, and for the Delat neutral 31.5 plus the original credit 30. Deffo a nice win.
190 Debit 4 now it’s…. 24.5-(12 +3)= 19.5. Well you have nearly quintupled your stake!
191 The Jade Lizard … now 25 to close- we took in 51, so let’s say we close out and take 50% of max profit. Happy?
2020/10/08 at 10:17 am
From Terrapin Trader
Trade 189 Week Ending 18 Sept Options Expire
Yowser!!!! Did not see such a drop coming and this has spanked trade 189 in its full delta neutral state. Should have stuck with plan A the 3 to 1 ratio. However one day’s drop doesn’t make a catastrophe.
The weekend strangler?….. Said they’d go belly up sooner or later, and such a strategy opening the trade before the weekend means sitting on a lot of discomfort as in the long run it looks like they might break even or at worst lose money hand over fist. FTSE has been kind in the last month or so. There may be much more pain to come. Stay safe people.
2020/09/21 at 5:13 pm
From Terrapin Trader
Trade 189 Week Ending 18 Sept Options Expire
Apologies for minor edit having missed out a link and a typo
2020/09/19 at 2:51 pm
From Terrapin Trader
Trade 188 Week Ending 11 September
So… our little combo did hardly anything -at best about 6, but let’s see what happens
The weekend strangler using those same options? Dammit -95 so it made 114-95= 19.
I think long term it’ll break even with a lot of sleep lost
2020/09/15 at 2:12 pm
From Terrapin Trader
Trade 182 Week Ending 31July
Trade180 now 13.5 credit
Trade 181 poss 23
Trade 182-no change!- despite the huge move- this is purely a volatility play
Weekend strangler 72 credit to open- now 82.5
2020/08/04 at 7:56 am
From Terrapin Trader
Trade 177 Week Ending 26June Hitting The Beaches Adversely
Trade 177 could close out for small credit 6.5, added to credit in trade entry 22. Win 28.5 but we run for fun
2020/06/30 at 9:24 am
From Terrapin Trader
Trade 177 Week Ending 26June Hitting The Beaches Adversely
About 48 to close Trade 176 paid 12.5 -FTSE seems a little unsteady now.300% profit -I’d be boasting about this and selling a trading system for millions if that was the aim.
2020/06/30 at 9:20 am
From Terrapin Trader
Trade 176 Week Ending 19th June Triple Witching
Well, I’ll eat my shorts! That wretched strangle?… 150.5 to sell to open, 125 to buy to close. 25.5 profit. Annoying? Probably only for me but it comes from high to low vol period
2020/06/23 at 11:28 am
From Terrapin Trader
Trade 175 Week Ending 12 June Normal Has Left The Building
Good grief!
Yet again the trade holds up- put is now 70 despite the big drop at the open,and the call is 48. We took in 152 and this is now 118 to close -34 gain. though of course margin would have been hefty
2020/06/15 at 11:56 am
From Terrapin Trader
Trade Zero 0.8 Week Ending 1st May
Debit 19 -close out for 30 -it’s that easy. Every week.
May 5000 put 13×3= 39 Jun 5000 put=69.
2020/05/04 at 10:23 pm
From Terrapin Trader
Trade Zero.0.7 Week Ending 24 April
289 to close-would you? Profit 60 -comfortable winner with more to go…….
Also the previous weks’ call 3×1 looks rosier too
2020/04/28 at 10:11 am
From Terrapin Trader
Trade Zero.0.7 Week Ending 24 April
Apologies for my ignorance- it’s YIN and YANG, not YING.
Karma will doubtless make me pay
2020/04/27 at 1:28 pm
From Terrapin Trader
Trade Zero 0.6 Week Ending 17 April
The 3×1 call ratio spread. 5800 184.5 6000 (96 x3)= 288. Credit 103.5
Now cost of 56 to close, so 103.5-56=47.5- would you? It’s a fantastic profit though margin would be ££££££
Compared to naked(ugh!) calls 96-64.5=31.5.
We are better by 50% and it’s a shedload more interesting.
2020/04/21 at 10:34 pm
From Terrapin Trader
Trade ZERO Week Ending 06March
Not sure what to say as the butterfly is still worth about 11 but it’s 1,000 points in the money. Cannot see FTSE jumping that much next week, so personally I’d close out and keep my few pence in the purse. Others may let it run,and the Devil take the hindmost!
2020/03/14 at 7:41 pm
From Terrapin Trader
Trade ZERO Week Ending 06March
prices for the butterfly: 6300:427-445 6150:335.5-353.5 6000: 261-277
mid prices 436, 346.5 x2= 693, 269. 705-693= 12. Not a trade to set the world alight but as it’s cheap as chips it has to run.
2020/03/10 at 4:54 pm
From Terrapin Trader
Trade ZERO Week Ending 06March
Sorry! Omitted a key phrase with the profit potential of our butterfly. I would advise anyone who has allocated time to trading and is sidelined for now to do some research. How long until some genius comes up with a vaccine for cover-19? We have some major computing power now with several quantum computers online. Money will not even be relevant.
We will return to normality, I believe, but for now, trading is gambling as we have no edge.
Take a look back at some of the links to free education or you can message us here
2020/03/08 at 11:53 am
From Terrapin Trader
Trade 170 Week Ending 21 February
We lose trade 170 as the world appears to be in deep trouble with COVID-19. Of course this trader took a hit withown account but had to close out- we may have to suspend our weekly trade ideas as the stockmarket is no longer the place to be, and trading even deep out of the money as I do has been a disaster. Out-of-the-money may not be a term with the market tanking- even 500 points below looks risky.
From Terrapin Trader on 382 W/e13Sept FTSE Bounces, US Winces
2024/09/14 at 4:30 pmFrom Terrapin Trader on 345 W/e 01DecChristmas is Coming
2023/12/04 at 10:44 amFrom Terrapin Trader on 331 W/e25 Aug Erratum, Trade328 missed
2023/08/27 at 7:12 amFrom Terrapin Trader on 322 W/e23Jun2023 FTSE Drops, Vix Flops
2023/06/24 at 2:49 pmFrom Terrapin Trader on 320 w/e 09jun VIX Drops Yet Again
2023/06/15 at 10:57 pmFrom Terrapin Trader on 320 w/e 09jun VIX Drops Yet Again
2023/06/14 at 8:20 amFrom Terrapin Trader on 317W/e 19May, Flat FTSE, Options Expiry
2023/05/24 at 12:04 pmFrom Terrapin Trader on 315 W/e05May A Coronation, A Calendar Spread, and Some Wins
2023/05/08 at 9:49 amFrom Terrapin Trader on 312 W/e 14AprVol Drain FTSE Meltup no.2
2023/04/15 at 3:48 pmFrom Terrapin Trader on 308 W/e 17Mar Bloodbath at the Bank
2023/03/21 at 2:01 pmFrom Terrapin Trader on 306W/e03March Long Calls? Short Puts?
2023/03/10 at 7:54 amFrom Terrapin Trader on 306W/e03March Long Calls? Short Puts?
2023/03/09 at 8:27 amFrom Terrapin Trader on 296 W/e 09Dec Santa's FTSE Swoon?
2022/12/13 at 10:23 amFrom Terrapin Trader on 296 W/e 09Dec Santa's FTSE Swoon?
2022/12/13 at 10:20 amFrom Harry on 284 W/e16Sep Winning with Options
2022/09/18 at 1:46 pmFrom Terrapin Trader on 284 W/e16Sep Winning with Options
2022/09/18 at 2:26 pmFrom Terrapin Trader on 282 w/e02Sept Going Straddle Crazy
2022/09/05 at 6:39 pmFrom Terrapin Trader on 281 W/e 26Aug Jackson Hole, S&P Plunges
2022/08/27 at 11:10 amFrom contactamipro on 281 W/e 26Aug Jackson Hole, S&P Plunges
2022/08/27 at 10:35 amFrom Terrapin Trader on 262 W/e 08AprOptions Expiry Looms
2022/04/11 at 8:59 pmFrom Terrapin Trader on 258 W/e11Mar Calendar Spread time
2022/03/18 at 8:44 amFrom Terrapin Trader on 256 W/e 25Feb Options in Unhappy Times
2022/03/04 at 12:26 pmFrom Terrapin Trader on 254W/e11 Feb Options in a Conflict?
2022/02/14 at 6:22 pmFrom Thie Week’s Musings on CFD – at May 30, 2021 at 12:49PM – Dave's Finance Ramblings on 221 W/e 28May A Strangler's Dream
2021/05/30 at 12:22 pmFrom Terrapin Trader on 221 W/e 28May A Strangler's Dream
2021/05/30 at 1:11 pmFrom Terrapin Trader on 219 W/E 07May Chinese Rocket Week
2021/05/11 at 9:35 amFrom BEK on 219 W/E 07May Chinese Rocket Week
2021/05/09 at 5:16 pmFrom Terrapin Trader on 219 W/E 07May Chinese Rocket Week
2021/05/11 at 9:42 amFrom Terrapin Trader on 218 W/e 30Apr Ratio, Puts in May
2021/05/04 at 9:09 amFrom Terrapin Trader on 216 W/e 16Apr Options Expiry. Straddle, Losses and Reactive Trading
2021/04/22 at 11:16 amFrom Terrapin Trader on 216 W/e 16Apr Options Expiry. Straddle, Losses and Reactive Trading
2021/04/20 at 8:13 amFrom Terrapin Trader on 216 W/e 16Apr Options Expiry. Straddle, Losses and Reactive Trading
2021/04/19 at 3:25 pmFrom Joe on 207 W/e12Feb Economy Crushed, FTSE Up
2021/02/15 at 7:43 amFrom Terrapin Trader on 207 W/e12Feb Economy Crushed, FTSE Up
2021/02/15 at 8:17 amFrom Terrapin Trader on 204 W/e22Jan-Biden's Options
2021/01/24 at 8:47 amFrom Terrapin Trader on 200 W/e 18 Dec Strangles, Ratios, Butterflies
2020/12/21 at 10:31 amFrom Terrapin Trader on 192 W/E 09Oct Butterfly Strangle Options Trade
2020/10/12 at 9:29 amFrom Michael on 192 W/E 09Oct Butterfly Strangle Options Trade
2020/10/30 at 5:46 pmFrom Terrapin Trader on 192 W/E 09Oct Butterfly Strangle Options Trade
2020/10/30 at 5:53 pmFrom Terrapin Trader on 191 W/E 02 Oct Revisiting The Jade Lizard
2020/10/08 at 10:17 amFrom Terrapin Trader on Trade 189 Week Ending 18 Sept Options Expire
2020/09/21 at 5:13 pmFrom Terrapin Trader on Trade 189 Week Ending 18 Sept Options Expire
2020/09/19 at 2:51 pmFrom Terrapin Trader on Trade 188 Week Ending 11 September
2020/09/15 at 2:12 pmFrom Terrapin Trader on Trade 182 Week Ending 31July
2020/08/04 at 7:56 amFrom Terrapin Trader on Trade 177 Week Ending 26June Hitting The Beaches Adversely
2020/06/30 at 9:24 amFrom Terrapin Trader on Trade 177 Week Ending 26June Hitting The Beaches Adversely
2020/06/30 at 9:20 amFrom Terrapin Trader on Trade 176 Week Ending 19th June Triple Witching
2020/06/23 at 11:28 amFrom Terrapin Trader on Trade 175 Week Ending 12 June Normal Has Left The Building
2020/06/15 at 11:56 amFrom Terrapin Trader on Trade Zero 0.8 Week Ending 1st May
2020/05/04 at 10:23 pmFrom Terrapin Trader on Trade Zero.0.7 Week Ending 24 April
2020/04/28 at 10:11 amFrom Terrapin Trader on Trade Zero.0.7 Week Ending 24 April
2020/04/27 at 1:28 pmFrom Terrapin Trader on Trade Zero 0.6 Week Ending 17 April
2020/04/21 at 10:34 pmFrom Terrapin Trader on Trade ZERO Week Ending 06March
2020/03/14 at 7:41 pmFrom Terrapin Trader on Trade ZERO Week Ending 06March
2020/03/10 at 4:54 pmFrom Terrapin Trader on Trade ZERO Week Ending 06March
2020/03/08 at 11:53 amFrom Terrapin Trader on Trade 170 Week Ending 21 February
2020/02/27 at 2:24 pm