That Was The Week VIX Woke Up, More To Come? So, Fitch……… a ratings agency. The people we like to…
327 W/e 28July Calmer FTSE and S&P500
That Was The Week FTSE Calmed Down- Do We Have Resistance at 7700? Yet again we see the Vix scraping…
326 W/e 21July FTSE Meltup 2.0
That Was the Week, An Oligarch’s Sanctions were lifted and then FTSE smashed Up! CPI, an inflation metric much watched,…
325 W/e14July FTSE’s Big Day Out, VIX Swoons
That Was The Week Somebody got Excited about CPI Wednesday saw a bigĀ 1.83% rise on Wednesday as the market joined…
324 W/e 07July Big FTSE Drop Yet Small Vol
That Was The Week, FTSE dropped Big, Vol Moderately Higher. Vix watchers saw a rise reflecting some of the action…
323 W/e 30Jun Quiet Week, Trades Gain from Theta
That Was the Week FTSE Drifted Up on Friday Independence Day is apparently something of an event in America, so…