That Was The Week Crazy Got Scary Dictators got busy dictating and demonising their critics in several nations. Our…
406W/e14Mar Boom! Friday Shoppers Buy The Market
That Was The Week We Tested Support A rising tide lifts all boats but especially when the tide rises in…
405 W/e07Mar FTSE, S&P Wise Up and Drop
That Was The Week We Saw More Crazy When the court jester becomes king, the kingdom becomes a clown show.…
404 W/e28Feb Meltups All Round
That Was The Week Everything Going Up Everywhere The onslaught continues apace while the news gets darker. Readers know that…
403 W/e 21Feb Another Bizarre Options Expiry
That Was The Week Expiry Behaved a Little Better. The World looked More Risky Politics never looked so crazy, but…
402 W/e 14Feb Still Some love for FTSE.
That Was The Week We Avoided(!) Recession So, FTSE managed a couple of days on introspection amid the crazy action, though…