That Was The Week We Avoided(!) Recession So, FTSE managed a couple of days on introspection amid the crazy action, though…
401 W/e07Feb BofE Lowers Rates to Universal Disinterest
That Was The Week -Hopes for a Big Drop Dashed, For Now! More darkness descends on America, does anyone really…
400 W/e 31Jan More FTSE Meltup
That Was The Week -It Got Personal FTSE is Out to Get Me! We are NOT, repeat NOT an…
399 W/e24Jan FTSE Takes A Breather
That Was The Week FTSE Got Reined In. America announced its plans, suddenly everything is positive. My cynicism may be…
398W/e17jan FTSE Meltup, Because?……..
That Was The Week DAX and FTSE hit All Time Highs. Despite the Elephants in the Room Speechless, utterly bewildered.…
397 W/e 10Jan The S&P Looking Shaky, FTSE? Who Knows?
That Was The Week Everything Looked a Little worse So the world’s ‘richest’ man is taunting our glorious leader and…