FTSE This Week – DOWN! : Monday- Friday Tiny Loss 18 . One down day does not a bear market make
Daily Volatility:11.895-9.43 from 11 – 9.13 slightly larger range again,and still about 50% lower than ‘ normal ‘
FTSE cash index – open 7523 high 7542 low 7437 close 7505
FTSE volatility- 9.8-10.26 (last week: open 9.13 close 9.8)
What Trades Would Have Done well
This trade went from a debit of 5 to a reasonably decent profit as it hit 12 on Monday. Short 7500 call, long 3×7600 call– premium went to 30 from 14×3 =credit 12(from 61 and 22×3 = debit 5).
This is the kind of trade that you leave a limit order in to close out,and I’d be happy to get 10, or double my money. Of course commissions are a consideration, but consider this scenario: Your car breaks down on the way to a business meeting that could make you a quick £2,000 profit. Would you pay £500 for the cost of repair to get there? Of course*. Trading costs are inevitable. Spreadbetting has costs built in with the spreads-you typically take a 20% haircut. You buy at the offer and sell on the bid.
*Uber is not around in this situation! The car is an essential part of the deal

Missing trading opportunities is almost unforgiveable- I was seriously otherwise engaged in a noble cause so what’s a grand or so amongst friends?
Apologies- I got the numbers wrong for Trade 53- it was a genuine credit of 12 to close