That Was The Week Ending 15Dec-Expiry

FTSE This Week 08 Dec   7394- 7490 UP! 

Daily Volatility:6.56 -57.27(!!!!!!!!) from 6.01-12.4  

FTSE cash index – open 7394 high7511 low 7394close 7490  from open 7300 high 7412 low 7289 close 7394  

FTSE volatility-   10.38-9.36 ( last week  12.22-10.38 )

What Trades Would Have Done well, this week?

Trade 60 -we had 2, remember? So, our condor did nothing but only cost a tiny amount, the long straddle went from 75 to 110-almost 50% thus  a nice little earner. Of course again the long trade was the recipe of the week. Will we ever stop hearing that? Of course Bitcoin is all over the news as it gets traded via futures on CBOE and CME. Who cares? We missed the boat at $300, that ship has sailed for all but pure speculators-which we are NOT.


VFTSE chart above shows a crazy spike on 12th. The veracity of this is questionable -but you can only imagine some traders (the naked sellers of course) getting banged out of positions in the cruellest way. Say you’d sold a strangle for 20, and suddenly it’s worth 400, so your margin* gets called. Thus on certain ‘interactive’ platforms or spread bets that might have got you killed. We hope not, the spike is an anomaly for sure.Our straddle certainly didn’t hit the jackpot.

*Say your margin per strangle was £2,000, and your account is £20,000 and you traded 5 lots thinking you were ok-suddenly your margin requirement is £100,000 and that strangle for a millisecond hit 180-you just got carted away. Our methods involve restraint, patience and moderation. Get rich slooooow, is our mantra. Sure there are get rich quick schemes that work- Bitcoin, as previously mentioned at $300 was a pure punt. Nobody minds losing a few pounds but to lose £15,000 in the hope it might hit £100,000, is too rich for our blood. We want you to profit from a modest starting point. To get to £100,000 from £15,000 is most certainly achievable with options.

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