Trade 33 update

Far from What We Had Hoped

There were a few times when the 7550 straddle hit small profits,and the put spread 7450/7350 hit 50% profit,but can we book these as winners? It would probably be a disservice to say yes.

When We make A Prediction

The market should always make our decision for us, in as much as we can only trade what there is. I thought it was  a fair bet to expect volatility, but VFTSE has often drifted below 10. What could a befuddled trader  have done differently?

When The Picture is Hard To Interpret

At times like this,you can always choose to have a zero cost trade-selling something to pay for the things you’ve bought. This could mean calendar spreads. Selling this month and buying the next month for level premium. Or… by selling more options than you have bought. Creativity is key to options trading, as we can generally find a strategy to suit conditions.

It’s Not About Winning…. Actually It Totally Is

Losses, to quote are the ‘rent on the shop’. When I make ill thought out losses,which I do sometimes, I blame my humanity. My bias to the bear side does not best serve, but it’s hard to ignore. I just do not trust the bullish news. I counter this by dismissing the bad trade and finding the next winner. Like all good sportsmen. Trade 34 beckons.


Some small profits but no losses